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Why Do High-Achievers Hold Back on Their Dreams? Unlock the Answer

#impact #lettinggo #limitingbeliefs #mindfulness #mindset #smallbusiness journalling Oct 12, 2024
woman stressed at workdesk

You’re confident, right? Maybe you’re the go-to expert, or even a keynote speaker, at company events, leading workshops, or commanding meetings LIKE A BOSS.

You thrive when the spotlight's on, but there's another part of you whose far from thriving. When it comes to putting your own personal dreams out into the world, like writing that book or launching your dream venture… crickets. Sound familiar? For you or someone you know, the paradox is real. 

Let’s say you’re *Louise*, a seasoned public speaker, always receiving glowing praise after every corporate presentation. Yet at home, that half-written book sits abandoned, or the idea for your social impact project remains an idea—because, for some reason, you just can’t take the next step. 

If you’re nodding along, it’s because you’re not alone. It’s one thing to show up for visible work goals; it’s another to pursue a deeply personal dream.


Because when you chase something close to your heart, it's DEEPLY PERSONAL. It feels riskier. There’s more at stake—your passion, your creativity, your self-worth.  

Here’s the secret: the issue often isn’t *time* or *laziness*; instead it’s stepping into this vulnerable space means so much to you and triggers deep-seated emotions.

Our mind kicks in to protect us by postponing, redirecting, or procrastinating. But your awareness in recognising this is the first step to bringing dreams to fruition.

Let's get unstuck & find out how to slowly begin transforming the pattern: 

  • Mindfulness: Take notice of the ways you avoid your dreams. No need to judge the lack of action, just become aware of it. 
  • Journaling: Explore the feelings and often, the fears, beneath the surface. 
  • Mindset (CBT) Tools: Challenge limiting beliefs keeping you from taking action.
  • Your dream needs to be shared just like you need oxygen! Start talking about your dream with the free Step Up and Stand Out PR Workbook Leigh created for you.
  • Read: The War of Art* by Steven Pressfield

  • Read: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

It’s time to get that dream off the back burner!

Even if you feel too busy or hesitant to start growing your visibility, Leigh shares 20 years of lessons gained through coaching and training people like you about sharing your message with the world. Start actively growing your influence, impact and income through brand visibility today!

Your Step Up and Stand Out Visibility workbook